This is the first posting in my new blog. I will try to update this at least weekly if not daily, but since I have another full time job, you might hear from me only occasionally. Right now I am trying to get all my paintings uploaded so you can see what I am doing, and give me feedback on what you think. I am also in the process of getting a new website where you can view my work extensively. I've been painting again since October of 2010 and find it to be much easier this time around. I credit PBS' Oregon Art Beat series and in particular, Cathleen Rehfeld who inspired me via the story about her Painting a
Day. I found that with this Painting a Day mindset, I can paint freely without getting stuck on one idea. This has also helped me learn much quicker about what I want to accomplish and how to do it. I am excited about sharing my work with the public. I hope you enjoy it, I think you will.