Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Drawing. Angle and Perspective

Adrianne's Mischievous Self Portrait
I'm not sure why I came back to draw this reference photo. Some time ago I attempted to do a  watercolor of it, which turned into the "Green" painting ...
It might be because I find it so endearing (as opposed to a little scary, as Grace has found it).  Maybe because I know Adrianne had taken my camera and  snapped several deliberately off the wall self portraits of herself.  Kind of like guerrilla art.  I looked on my camera, found the 3 mugging poses of Adrianne and just laughed.  In any event, the fish eye effect and angle of this photo presented some challenges.  The cheeks were very prominent, as well as the forehead.  The head was tilted slightly, which I didn't quite convey.  The background was almost as dark as the sweater. On top of all of these little challenges was the pressure of not disappointing someone very close to me with a bad rendering. Although because this is such an unusual photo, some of that pressure is lessened.
This might end up being reworked to correct some of the things I am finding as I study it further, but this effort was much better than the last.  If nothing else, this exercise holds true to my motto of shy away from no challenge.

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